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1390 Holly Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212



Upholstery Design and Fabrication | Tritex Corporation

From upholstery design to fabrication completion, we go above and beyond to provide you with the best product for your requirements. Collaborate with us today.

- CUT/ SEW -




Upholstery Design and Fabrication

Bridging concept to craft to completion.

Customer upholstery design/build projects are a Tritex specialty. We’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with Fortune 1000 companies, large R&D firms, and a variety of interior designers to take projects from conception to completion. Our work spans across several industries, including retail, medical, hospitality, defense and industrial.

With precise upholstery fabrication and close communication, we can make any project come to life. Working closely with the client’s engineers, designers, and project managers; we listen, learn, and apply our creativity to meet each customer’s requests. Whether you are looking to solve a functional need in the application of upholstered goods or wanting to achieve a specific look & feel, we can accomplish your mission. Upholstery design is a difficult thing to get right, and we get it right the first time while exceeding your expectations. 

To get started on upholstery fabrication, please contact us with your project specifications. 

Quality. Craftsmanship. Integrity. Serving you since 1973.