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1390 Holly Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212


Medical Upholstery - Dental Upholstery | Tritex Corporation

If you are seeking medical upholstery or dental upholstery for your office, we seamlessly combine form and function to construct the best possible products.


The condition, comfort, & appearance of medical pads & covers in a patient care setting is an important aspect of a medical practice to a patient. The same thing applies for dental upholstery; those who walk in the office should feel at ease. Tritex can help keep your examining tables and other medical upholstery in excellent aesthetic and functional shape, usually at a cost far lower than what the original manufacturer would charge for replacement medical and dental upholstery.

Tritex medical table pads and body positioning wedges have been field tested by doctors and nurses throughout the United States and have regularly passed Joint Commission inspections at their given facility. Tritex works with the customer on a job-by-job basis to create the proper size pad to work in the application needed. Contact Tritex today to learn how our dental and medical upholstery merges function, form, and customer cost-saving into a superior end product.

Check out our latest products: 

Lithotripsy Pads

Body Positioning Wedges

Contact us today for more information on your next medical/ dental/ seating project.

Quality. Craftsmanship. Integrity. Serving you since 1973.