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We would be glad to hear from you.  For products, services, or general business inquiries, please use the form submission and one of our team members will get back with you!

1390 Holly Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212


Aircraft Seating

Aircraft Seating


At Tritex, our passion is seating! We strongly believe in adding to our capabilities by adding talented staff and supporting that talent with the best tools of the trade. This belief ensures that we not only put out the best looking and cutting edge product but we do it with high quality standards and we do it efficiently. Efficiency means you’ll pay less for a better and long lasting product.

We use only the highest quality materials that meet all FAA requirements and are happy to partner with leading names in the soft goods and upholstery industry including but not limited to:

  • Garrett Leather

  • Green Hides Leather

  • Townsend Leather

  • Moore and Giles Leather



Not all seats are created equal! Different rules apply to different seats and different aircraft. If you’re looking for a seating refurbishment or repair on your piston, rotorcraft or jet aircraft, you need a shop that knows the FAA regulations and will do what they say they are going to do, including keep you flying legally for years to come.

Tritex works with different engineering firms, manufacturers and suppliers to provide complete updated seating solutions including engineering approvals and certification for all types of seats- 9G/ 16G, part 91, 119, 121, 125, or 135, floatation or standard foam.



Tritex proudly offers custom cover design sewing and foam fabrication with precision utilizing state of the art equipment.

Utilizing our 35’ Gerber CNC cutting table for large cutting projects and our state of the art ABM 4832 CNC quilting machine, Tritex proudly offers the precision and repeatability our clients expect.

Choose a current design or customize one to your taste and give your aircraft the real “wow” factor.

Click here for a list of our capabilities & Ops Specs or contact us now for more information.

Quality. Craftsmanship. Integrity. Serving you since 1973.