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We would be glad to hear from you.  For products, services, or general business inquiries, please use the form submission and one of our team members will get back with you!

1390 Holly Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212


Restaurant Upholstery - Museum and Hospitality Upholstery

Tritex wants to provide your business with lasting products. Our restaurant upholstery, as well as our hospitality upholstery, is made to your specifications.

hospitality and museum Upholstery

Restaurant / Office / Commercial

Tritex recognizes the importance of ambiance within a restaurant or business and for years has been creating upholstered seating units to match the desired atmosphere. Whether it is full restaurant in need of upholstery or just a few damaged units, Tritex has the capability & skilled labor to get the job done in a time efficient manner. At Tritex, we utilize a wide material sourcing network through many trusted vendors around the country, which helps us in obtaining matching materials to existing stores or new materials for new build-outs.


museum / display

Museum and hospitality upholstery, like most things, only serves its purpose if it can stand up to daily wear & tear. Tritex understands that concept and puts it into action when creating interactive spaces where learning and play meet. Our work is proudly used by numerous science museums around the United States within interactive learning exhibits.

Tritex has experience in working with designers throughout the creative process with the ability to take an idea from the drawing board and make it a reality on the production floor. With access to a large variety of foams & materials, we have the creative solutions needed for hospitality upholstery as well as complex museum applications.

Contact us via phone or email to begin your hospitality or restaurant upholstery project now.  We cannot wait to work with you!

Quality. Craftsmanship. Integrity. Serving you since 1973.