contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

We would be glad to hear from you.  For products, services, or general business inquiries, please use the form submission and one of our team members will get back with you!

1390 Holly Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43212



Looking to join our team? We are looking for qualified individuals to fill the following positions. We offer:

  • Paid PTO, Paid Vacation and Holidays

  • Medical Insurance

  • Simple Plan Retirement with Company Match

  • Employee Discounts

Due to the nature of our work, we are a drug and alcohol free work place. Mandatory pre-employment and ongoing random drug and alcohol testing is required for all employees.


Upholstery Sewing Technician (click link for job description)

Industrial Sewing Technician (click link for job description)

Upholstery Assembly Technician (click link for job description)

To apply, fill out the form below and attach a copy of your resume or you can contact us directly at 614-294-8511. Please note that we do not offer relocation. To be considered, you must be a US citizen, be able to pass a federal background check, pass pre-employment and ongoing random drug screens and hold a valid driver’s license.